Bernard Law P.C.

Estate Planning Blog Articles

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Can You Keep Your Children from Inheriting Your Money?

I’ve decided I no longer want to leave my estate to my children. They are ungrateful brats. How can I set things up to give my money to charity when I die?
Posted on: February 12, 2022

What are the Most Common Estate Planning Mistakes?

With apologies to poet Robert Burns, the best-laid estate plans of women and men sometimes go awry.
Posted on: February 11, 2022

What Is the HEMS Standard?

The ‘HEMS’ (health, education, maintenance, support) standard in estate planning is used to guide trustees in how/when they should release funds to a beneficiary.
Posted on: February 10, 2022

What’s the Difference between Probate Assets and Non-Probate Assets?

Non-probate assets are those assets which do not go into an estate when the owner dies.
Posted on: February 9, 2022
Wasting Inheritance

How Do I Stop Heirs from Foolishly Wasting Inheritance?

One of the biggest concerns a trust creator might have is that the beneficiary would squander their inheritance or that the beneficiary’s creditor would attach the inheritance to cover the beneficiary’s debt.
Posted on: August 3, 2021
Aging parents grow stubborn

Can You Believe Aging Parents Grow Stubborn and They Know It?

Aging parents grow stubborn, and researchers are uncovering the reasons why.
Posted on: August 2, 2021

Here’s Why You Need an Estate Plan

No matter what line of work you are in, estate planning has facets that apply to everyone, and it comes down to documenting wishes and avoiding probate and unnecessary taxes. Too many people put it off, but, in general, the sooner you do it, the better.
Posted on: July 31, 2021
Live Longer: Babysit the Grandchildren

Will I Live Longer, if I Babysit the Grandchildren?

Looking for an extra incentive to spend some quality time with your grandchildren? Try telling their parents that it could extend your life.
Posted on: July 13, 2021
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Bernard Law P.C. Estate Planning and Administration
Daniel Bernard
Estate Planning Attorney

45 Route 25A, Suite A-2,
Shoreham, New York 11786.

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