However, stay-at-home parents often are overlooked, although they generally need the most intentional planning because of the many roles that they have within the home.
Young adults need essential legal documents like a healthcare proxy and living will to ensure their wishes are respected and their interests protected.
For couples with an age difference of 10 years or more, assets need to last significantly longer to cover both of their retirements, making the risks of missteps higher.
The law doesn’t always cater to diverse family structures. Those who live as extended families, as part of same-sex couples, or other families need to pay special attention to estate planning.
Although the beneficiary designation in a 401(k) plan was old, and tied to a previous relationship, a federal court concluded that it was nonetheless valid.
Conventional wisdom casts trusts, wills and estate plans as the exclusive domain of the ultra-rich. Supporting this notion, data reveals that two-thirds of Americans lack an estate plan, a figure that climbs higher to 80% among Gen-Zs.