So, to leave a legacy for your family and those philanthropic groups you support, you need a comprehensive estate plan—and you need to avoid making mistakes.
Having proper documents in place before your summer break, you can enjoy your vacation with the confidence that your affairs are in order, allowing you to relax and recharge fully.
By considering these aspects of funeral planning now, you can provide a final gift to your loved ones—a well-thought-out plan that eases their load during a difficult time.
Inheriting a house is a process that should begin well before a parent dies. While discussing end-of-life topics can be uncomfortable, the conversations must happen before it’s too late.
However, stay-at-home parents often are overlooked, although they generally need the most intentional planning because of the many roles that they have within the home.
Young adults need essential legal documents like a healthcare proxy and living will to ensure their wishes are respected and their interests protected.
For couples with an age difference of 10 years or more, assets need to last significantly longer to cover both of their retirements, making the risks of missteps higher.